A suggestion for implementing an image sitemap

Summary of the Proposal:


1. Creating an image sitemap For your website, I would like to draft an extensive picture sitemap so that Google can find and index all of the pertinent photographs. The sitemap will use the designated Image Sitemaps namespace (http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-image/1.1) and conform to the guidelines provided in the Google Image Sitemap reference.

2. Sitemap Integration: Depending on your preferences, we can either generate a separate sitemap or easily merge the image sitemap into your current one. This will make it possible for Google to effectively crawl and index all of the photos that are linked to your website in addition to your primary text.

3. Adherence to Best Practices: We will adhere closely to both Google’s suggested picture publishing rules and general sitemap best practices in our implementation. This includes using mandatory tags to contain information about each image, like <image:image>, and to define each image’s URL, like <image:loc>.

4. Verification in Search Console: If your photos are hosted on a different domain, we will validate both sites in Search Console to guarantee the efficacy of the image sitemap. This is an important step, particularly if you are hosting photos on a content delivery network (CDN) such as Google Sites.

5. Deprecated Tags and Attributes: In accordance with the most recent Google guidance, our implementation will not use deprecated tags and attributes like <image:caption>, <image:geo_location>, <image:title>, and <image:license>.

6. Testing and Validation: To make sure the picture sitemap is accurate and comprehensive, we will extensively test it before implementing it in its final form. As part of this, the sitemap will be validated using Google’s testing tools in order to find and fix any possible problems.

A proposal to implement a news sitemap

Summary of the Proposal:

1. Creation of a News Sitemap: I offer to build a comprehensive news sitemap that complies with Google’s guidelines found in the news sitemap reference (http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-news/0.9). Depending on your choice, the sitemap will either incorporate the required news-specific tags into the current sitemap structure or create a separate, dedicated news sitemap.

2. Adherence to Best Practices: We’ll make sure that your content are appropriately indexed by seo tauranga Google News crawlers by closely adhering to news sitemap best practices. As new articles are released, we will add them to the news sitemap and follow best practices for handling existing URLs, which includes deleting them or their metadata.

3. Verification in Search Console: We’ll make sure that the pertinent websites are verified in Search Console in order to optimize the news sitemap’s benefits. To successfully track and analyze the performance of your news pieces, you must complete this step.

4. Implementation of Required Tags: In order to guarantee that the news sitemap is correctly interpreted and used, our team will apply the mandatory tags as mandated by seo services tauranga Google. Use of the tags <news:news>, <news:publication>, <news:name>, <news:language>, <news:publication_date>, and <news:title>, each with a distinct function to improve the visibility of your news material, is part of this. 5. Validation and Testing: Our staff will validate and test the news sitemap thoroughly before putting it into final use. This entails utilizing Google’s testing resources to find and fix any possible problems in order to guarantee a smooth integration with Google News.

seo services delhi have been enhanced by Aliveom

Aliveom is here not just to make your SEO services better and bring your company to a higher level but our company is also to make the complicated easy for you. By working with us you will have the convenience of understanding the SEO service. Our company is here with best seo services delhi and around the world. At aliveom, we completely optimize on-page, off-page sites to make online site work more efficiently and key-word rich contents makes it easier for the audience to choose your company.

SEO in Delhi Chain process

  • Better, keyword-rich and content that will make sure of increasing traffic through optimization and better content.
  • Regularly updating online presence of the company.
  • Increasing target audience and regularly interacting through digital channel
  • More relevant audience and increase in traffic of online page
  • With a team of professional experts and experienced minds, we will take your online business to higher level.

Aliveom is one of the top companies that offer all kinds of web services however SEO is one of the specialties. Apart from SEO we also provide service in SMO, ORM, Logo design, google adwords, content development and others. Aliveom has the niche of understanding the services as it has a complete background of internet services with practical knowledge by working for years. People around the world conduct trillions of searches everyday and that is where importance of SEO comes out, make sure you are a part of that search.

Apart from the best of services we also guarantee that our customers receive best of experience by partnering with us and we are recommended again and again. SEO basically makes sure to increase your potential customers and that is needed for better revenue generation. Moreover, we are an internationally recognized company so our hands on seo company in delhi are trustable.

Every company needs to regulate its contents or else it becomes monotonous and customers get bored. In today’s time with various options and emerging start-ups a company needs to keep up with the growth and with best adaptable team of Aliveom you need not to worry about evolving. Our customer-centric services will not only keep you updated but also increase your reach to the world. We can understand the difficulty to maintain  consistency of an online page so we dedicate our complete time and efforts towards it.

Get your digital presence immense productivity by signing up with Aliveom.  Aliveom is here to make sure of quality, continued efforts, better results and excellent performance for digital companies out there. Additionally, Aliveom is recognized in Delhi as well as in entire India as topmost company so think no more and visit our website today.


Search Engine Optimization is an essential methodof promotingvisibility for any business today. Numerous organizations go for top website design enhancement organizations in seo Christchurch.


Search results are currently used by most of the businesses. As per astudy led by Google, most of mobile inquiries are identified with an area and subsequently Christchurch city search engine optimization becomes crucial for your business to flourish. With clients searching for profoundly positioned organizations, setting up a local online presence can help you captivate everyone.

Aliveom has been in the SEO industry for years and we guarantee of an assistance of best search engine optimization Christchurch. Utilize the value of your investment in the computerized world with seo services Christchurch, that Aliveom gives staying in the best of your advantage. Computerized streamlining is significant for your crowd to comprehend your administrations in a better visible structure.

With experience more than 10 years, Aliveom effectively expanded the reach and traffic of particular online associations by further developing their web presence. It is reasonable for one to pick Aliveom, the principal SEO firm in Christchurch for the following reasons:

  • Network with worldwide organizations
  • Group of specialized specialists
  • Advanced specialists with administrations other than SEO too
  • Website improvement
  • Client explicit specialist organizations
  • Effectively versatile

Web optimization Wellington, is the right decision if your ultimate objective is to simplify your webpage to investigate for web lists. At Aliveom, the company assists organizations with flourishing in site page through its all around expressed and promt methodologies. With the altered methodology, they follow a deliberate example in understanding the organization’s goals and later they plan the best techniques fit to the customers’ organizations.

The organization, notwithstanding SEO, additionally manages:

  • Creative Content Development.
  • Web Design.
  • Logo Design.
  • Web Promotions.
  • Social Reputation Management
  • PPM

Aliveom- Preferred for seo in Jakarta services

To make the complicated technique simple for you while bringing best results is what Aliveom does. The company works with full efforts and strategies for business to reach top heights of online world. There is no doubt in the fact that SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the most required technique for any online page to land on the top lists of search engine. Everything depends on SEO when you take your business online.


Aliveom has its wild presence in seo in Jakarta from past several years and not just here but the company has expanded over the world while working with several multinational companies.

Aliveom and SEO- a perfect combination

Aliveom is one of the top companies that offer all kinds of web services however SEO is one of the specialties. How SEO services are offered at Aliveom.

  • Completely optimizing on-page, off-page sites to make online site work more efficiently
  • Key-words rich content making sure audience is attracted
  • Increasing traffic through optimization and better content
  • Regularly updating online presence of the company
  • A team of experts and professionals who have IT knowledge and experience of working with best of companies.

With today’s importance in online world including the competition, Aliveom has the niche of understanding the services as it does not come with book knowledge but from practical experience. People around the world conduct trillions of searches everyday and that is where importance of SEO comes out. It is best and in the interest of any company to choose SEO services and Aliveom for that matter. A company has to have a niche in understanding the services as it does not come with book knowledge but from actual work. The services of seo Jakarta has been handled by Aliveom from a long time so the customers do not have to worry about trust as we are the most recommended. Apart from seo services, Aliveom has also served in other web services including email marketing, social media marketing, logo making, and countless web techniques that every company needs to enhance their online presence.

Is SEO affected by domain name?

Back then, there was a lot of emphasis upon choosing the right domain as it had a huge impact on the SEO in Munich. Getting an exact domain match used to be a great deal. But the things changed. Google found that a number of authoritative websites required more than just a good name of the domain. The algorithm then changes to include other factors such as referring sites and the emphasis was on the content present on the website.

Now the question comes whether domain names are of importance?

Well, the answer is a definite Yes! Domain names and picking the right one is very important for the marketing strategy of the firm. A domain should be chosen in such a way that it fits the branding of the company and at the same time is not way too complicated. The name is not the only factor to be considered for a URL. The URL should be readable and must appear to be a professional one. The top level domain portion of the URL needs to be considered by the companies. It is of great importance if the business website uses .com, .org etc in its address.

PPC is also greatly impacted due to domain names. If there is a limited space for the ads, then the presence of keywords in the domain gives a great help. The people who clicks on PPC usually look at the specific product and not the companies in consideration. Thus the SEO Dusseldorf results can be higher in case the name of the location is included in either the domain or the subdomain. If you are having an exact domain match, then you may change if and only if it is worth the change. The websites which are which are established in terms of the branding guidelines need not change their domain is the existing domain is giving them the needed success. The focus should remain on SEO efforts for building referral links and writing quality content.


Aliveom is an organization with committed IT specialists who has worked in SEO for a significant long time and acquired insight of a daily existence time. There is an assurance of better outcomes and trust with regards to SEO and other web administrations.


You will be up for a treat while working with Aliveom with best versatile group that has proficient experience of working with MNC’s around the world. Clients don’t reconsider prior to selecting SEO company hong kong for website optimization administrations.

Website optimization is integral for any advanced showcasing services in light of the fact that individuals direct trillions of searches everyday. In the event that an organization wish to advise its clients about their new services, at that point working appropriately with SEO simply fills the right need. If any organization wishes to build its perceivability, then SEO is the essential method to do it. Aliveom, seo hong kong has the ideal procedure, calculations and techniques to take your organization higher from where it is at this moment. With Aliveom, you will get a customized administration as we comprehend that no two organizations are same and each business requires various administrations. So undoubtedly associate with Aliveom for administrations of website design enhancement.

Why SEO is essential:

  1. To enhance your on location, off-site pages with the goal that it works better
  2. Connect with your expected clients
  3. Stay up with the latest
  4. To profit advantages of web showcasing
  5. Make your foundation client agreeable and work on their experience

Our administrations include:

  1. Advancement and streamlining for On-Site page of the site.
  2. Further developing rear of the page by Off-Site Optimization.
  3. Applying fitting and right cycle of SEO.
  4. Give your business full benefit of SEO administrations.

We have long periods of involvement with the business and we have been suggested by our customers over and over. We likewise offer specially based types of assistance. We comprehend the business needs and demonstrate and likewise offer an assistance which can bring better outcomes for the organization. We will ensure that your business arrives at high positions on the web with the assistance of right catchphrases and different strategies. Your page will be clearly on top and on the eyes of the explores that will build your business organization.

How SEO company Auckland optimizes SEO content?

The content forms the backbone for the effective implementation of an seo Auckland strategy. It is impossible to earn a higher ranking in the absence of quality content. A number of factors play a key role in optimizing the content. Here are some of the factor that optimizes the quality of the content:

  • Optimizing for the answer box

The Google answer box is nothing but a featured snippet that stands out among the other listings present in the result page. It appears with text and link to a website. The answer box helps searchers in answering the questions on an immediate basis without even clicking on the result. The text varies in the format, tables, lists and paragraph. To optimize answer box, one needs to focus on answering the questions and forming proper listicles. Proper keyword research plays an important role in both these things.

  • Focus on improving internal links to important pages

seo company Auckland focuses on internal links as these have a big role to play for SEO and enhancing the user experience. They help visitors to navigate easily and even spread link juice to other pages. Internal links help Google in better understanding the page. Internal links between pages help in establishing page relevancy.

  • Orphaned content

Orphaned content is the web page which does not carry any internal link from other pages and poses difficulty for search engines to find them. As a result, these pages do not get a good rank and even receive less engagement from the visitors.

  • Add captions and alt text to images

SEO performance is strengthened when the images are optimized. Google uses a number of factors for understanding the subject matter of the image and the role it has to play with regard to the content. Alt text is nothing but a written description of the image that assist people who are unable to see the visual. The Alt text is used by Google for understanding the images using the related keywords.

Undoubtedly Aliveom for seo tauranga services

Aliveom and SEO has been like synonyms, if you talk about Search Engine Optimization services then Aliveom comes to the mind. Before jumping into the question of why Aliveom, let us first understand what is SEO, how it works and then why Aliveom is the best.

  • What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?

SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” which basically is to improve your online presence to increase its visibility, gain more traffic and generate revenue. The process also includes to transform your potential customers to actual customers. SEO also makes it easy for your users to find you quick and easily.

With set of perfect algorithms, SEO can help you reach the top of the online world in your field.
It may sound easy and simple however it includes various factors of keywords, contents, timing and many more on-site, off-site factors and this where the role of Aliveom comes.

  • Why Aliveom?

Aliveom is a company that it filled with IT experts who has worked in this area for quite a long time and gained experience of a life-time. There is a guarantee of better results and trust when it comes to SEO and other web services. You will be up for a treat while working with Aliveom with best adaptable team that has professional experience of working with several multinational companies around the world. Users don’t think twice before opting for Aliveom for seo tauranga services.

SEO is significant for any digital marketing because people conduct trillions of searches every nw and then. If a company wish to inform its customers about their fantasic services and new arrivals of products then working rightly with SEO just serves the right purpose. Any company wishes to increase its visibility and SEO is the primary way to do it. Aliveom has the perfect technique, algorithms and strategies to take your company higher from where it is right now. With Aliveom, you will receive a customized service as we understand that no two companies are same and every business requires different services.  So without any doubt connect to Aliveom for services of seo in tauranga.

Trust the power of Aliveom for seo hong kong


This article will help you understand how important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is in today’s life and from where you should get the services of. Both the question of why SEO and why Aliveom is very briefly answered here however it isextremely important to remember how important both are. In today’s time SEO is like an oxygen to the online world and Aliveom acts like a supplier of this oxygen so go on and get enlightened about both the aspects.


We guarantee you to not have a better or even similar service like Aliveom for seo hong kong.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is where the buzz is today in the online world. It is not just about helping users to find your company on the internet but also to optimize your web services, have keywords based and rick contents, interact with potential customers and your already existing customers, sell your product better enroll for unlimited opportunities. SEO is all about making your page rank high and to have a chance for being selected by any user.

The optimization includes on-site, off-site with guarantee to efficiently and effectively attract users in your website. SEO techniques that can help on-site is internal linking, so as to make a smooth flow of user access and control throughout the web portal. Moreover, a traditional but effective offsite optimization technique is promoting web businesses through social media.

Why Aliveom?

  • A team of credible and talented web promotion and design experts
  • A team that puts their minds and heart into every project they undertake.
  • Already accomplish working with several multi-national companies around the world.
  • With state-of-the-art IT infrastructure and tools, Aliveom has the sound hand which the team here has on these tools.
  • Best adaptability and capacity of revolving with new techniques.

Aliveom is not only about SEO but it also serves every aspects of online practices.

Connect to us for services of seo company hong kong and we promise to you serve you going out of our way.


The internet world is blasting with various organizations coming on the web with their online presence and the competition is higher than at any other time. This is the best and ideal opportunity to figure out your online framework with exceptionalteam and networks. Website design enhancement or Search Engine Optimization is one such program that aides in upgrading the online help with more prominent crowd, better outcomes, and more income. Search engine optimization helps in enhancing inward and outer pages of a site which must be accomplished for a fruitful online vocation. Aliveom SEO Wellingtonis known for giving great search engine optimization administrations.


It facilitates in:

  • By improving your SEO, you can try to create your discernible quality on the web search gadgets. This causes you reach and interface more possible clients.
  • By making truly enchanting and appropriate SEO-centered substance, you can develop your shots at acquiring more traffic focused to your administration.

For experienced, persevering, versatile, and valid administrations of web business, associate with Aliveom as we have been in this market since recent years and have conveyed the best for SEO sevices Wellington. Aside from SEO administrations we offer other online services, for example, SMO, logo design, Email marketiing and essentially all that is required to set up an online business. We target conveying the best for each individual customer. Aliveom accepts that each customer is varied, so we make a point to initially go through the organization and the necessities totally and afterward proceed with conveying the best for them. So, we convey client based administrations. Web advancements have been our fundamental need and we run after that. We have been a suggested organization and our customers have consistently showered colossal trust on us and we have made a point to make it worth. We comprehend both the market and clients and that is the manner by which we convey the ideal help that we can bring about greatness.